The original reason I ever ventured into Creemore at all is the 100 Mile Store. Years ago one September, I was in search of kiwi berries and I read online that this store was a source. Unfortunately I had no luck during my visit but I found a new reason to add Creemore on my map of favourites. The mantra of this retailer is to only carry goods that are located within a 100 mile radius. Visiting it again this year, it was great to see how much this store has grown; shelves are filled to capacity with local dry goods, baskets hold incredibly fresh produce (where else can you find garlic with the green stalks still attached?!) and there's even a cabinet filled with handmade chocolate. A cabinet of chocolate. Start the car!
176 Mill Street
Creemore, ON
L0M 1G0
Creemore, ON
L0M 1G0